Solar Lantern 4/15

The objective of this project was to recycle, repair, repurpose, and redesign a broken or outdated object.

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An old, fossil-fueled lantern was the skeleton for this project.

I wanted to comment on the hazardous and outdated connotations that are becoming associated with fossil fuels as our generation begins the switch to cleaner forms of energy.

After the top and shell of the lantern was deconstructed, I replaced the top with solar cells and an battery operated LED. Mylar lines the inside for added surface reflection. Then,i laser cut the pumpjack/ platform and threaded wire from the tip to the bottom of the wick. Using the side rotating wheel, the viewer is able to interact with the lantern by raising and lowering the pumpjack into the depths of the oil spill .

Shark Tooth Relief Tile 3/15

Melted crayons were used to fill silicone molds for this class project. The silicone was poured into a 50×50 cm wax relief that was made using a CNC mill. The original design of the sharks tooth was created in fusion 360.

The box frame design was made in illustrator and transferred to a CNC router to be cut.


